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Authors Lancelot Schaubert and Alexander Sirkman reimagine the story of the resurrection of Jesus in their short-story that responds to Luke 24:10.

Luke 24:10

Metaphysical Insurance Claim 0075A: The Delphic Oracle


Lancelot Schaubert


Co-Author: Alexander Sirkman
Illumination Representation Image by Lancelot Shaubert with Ai on Midjourney

Curated by: 

Rebecca Testrake


Short Story

Image by Giorgio Trovato

Primary Scripture

Now they were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James. The other women with them told these things to the apostles.

Luke 24:10

These three pieces work in tandem. They're meant as a running commentary on (1) the sorts of people who are close to us who reject the work of the miraculous in our lives and through our lives, (2) the kinds of silly exegetical traditions that exist as little more than a prop for church splits, (3) the metaphysical absurdity of the miraculous as the miraculous, when it happens, (4) a call to see James as a miracle worker in his own right, a cousin, and someone who would have been as baffled as anyone else — though joyful — in the presence of the miraculous. Sometimes the "sons of Thunder" stuff becomes such a focus, I wanted to focus on something else for St. James.

To see the other pieces from Lancelot, click the links below:



Spark Notes

The Artist's Reflection

Lancelot has sold work to The New Haven Review (The Institute Library), The Anglican Theological Review, TOR (MacMillan), McSweeney's, The Poet's Market, Writer's Digest, and many, many similar markets. (His favorite, a rather risqué piece, illuminated bankroll management by prison inmates in the World Series Edition of Poker Pro). Publisher's Weekly called his debut novel BELL HAMMERS "a hoot."

He has lectured on these at academic conferences, graduate classes, and nerd conventions in Nashville, Portland, Baltimore, Tarrytown, NYC, Joplin, and elsewhere.

The Missouri Tourism Bureau, WRKR, Flying Treasure, 9art, The Brooklyn Film Festival, NYC Indie Film Fest, Spiva Center for the Arts, The Institute of the North in Alaska, and the Chicago Museum of Photography have all worked with him as a film producer and director in various capacities.

Lancelot Schaubert

About the Artist

Artist in Residence 2019: Lancelot Schaubert - Part 3

Artist in Residence 2019: Lancelot Schaubert - Part 2

Artist in Residence 2019: Lancelot Schaubert - Part 1

Posh Girls

As Waters Cover

Artist in Residence 2019: Lancelot Schaubert

Dragonsmaw Daily | 1

Dragonsmaw Daily | 2

Dragonsmaw Daily | 3


Stripped to the Bonemeal



Lancelot Schaubert

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Image by Aaron Burden

Every year prior to the year in question, the city-state of Oracle Hill had a birth rate of 0 due to a populace of monks and nuns

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Image by Aaron Burden

Every year prior to the year in question, the city-state of Oracle Hill had a birth rate of 0 due to a populace of monks and nuns

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