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White Robe is a musical response to beautiful imagery in Revelation 7, composed for a couple to celebrate their anniversary.
Revelation 7:9-17
White Robe
The Spark & Echo Band
Composer: Jonathon Roberts
Musicians: Jonathon Roberts, piano/vocal; Emily Clare Zempel melodica/vocal; Jay Foote, bass; Mason Neely, drums
Mixing by Alexander Foote
Mastering by Matt Shane at Masterdisk NYC
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White Robe is a love song commissioned by Amanda Bourman for her husband, Timothy Bourman in celebration of their 3rd wedding anniversary on May 31st, 2011. Revelation 7:9-17 was their 'engagement verse' that Tim read to Amanda after he proposed to her in the Conservatory Gardens in Central Park, NYC. Tim Bourman is a pastor at Sure Foundation Lutheran Church in Woodside, Queens. We are very grateful for this commission, their friendship, and their generosity to Spark and Echo Arts.
Spark Notes
The Artist's Reflection
The Spark & Echo Band is a family outfit of songwriting-storytellers led by husband and wife duo Jonathon Roberts and Emily Clare Zempel. Their music brings forgotten poetry and wild stories from the Bible to life: visions of sparkling wheels in the sky, hunger and thirst, and legends of love as strong as death weave with memorable melodies and captivating rhythms. Drawing from a classical background, influenced by the pianism of Rufus Wainwright and Ben Folds, and emulating Paul Simon’s narratival techniques, Spark & Echo sings epic tales of love and adventure.
The duo has collaborated on three full lengths albums (Spark&Echo, Inheritance, Cities Project), one video album (In the Clocktower), in addition to many theatrical collaborations, this very nonprofit, and two children. They live in beautiful Beacon, New York, with all of the above.
The Spark & Echo Band

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