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Nicora Gangi uses color, movement, and shape to invite contemplation of Romans 5:1-2 via exploration of the symbolism in her abstract art piece.

Romans 5:1-2

Peace with God


Nicora Gangi


Curated by: 

Spark+Echo Arts


11 x 14 inches

Paper Collage on Archival Drawing Paper

Image by Giorgio Trovato

Primary Scripture

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In this piece, I attempt to convey the great comfort flowing from the pen of the Apostle Paul as he writes about the high privilege of having peace with God through the accomplished work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary. The fresh green triangles, a symbol of regeneration, refer to Christ as the giver of His peace.

According to the Scriptures, at the beginning of the created order, Adam had perfect peace with God. But that peace was severed when sin entered the serene landscape of the earth and the heart. This is represented in the dark and fiery portions in the bottom of the image. The piercing divide between God and humanity now infects us with quarrels, wars, and deep upheavals of the spirit and soul.

The rich and loving friendship we now have with our maker is symbolized by the royal-purple slices at the bottom of the collage, rising to the top of the piece. We wear His royal color, studded with the stars of the universe. We have access to God's presence. The light-rays emanating from the top triangle speaks to this hope.

Other passages of influence for the collage include Revelation 1:16; Revelation 4:3; Revelation 22:1-2.

Spark Notes

The Artist's Reflection

Nicora Gangi was educated at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA (BFA 1974 and MFA 1976). She was a Professor of Art at Syracuse University for 29 years. Gangi has been awarded many Grand Prize and First Place awards and grants. She has been and continues to be published in numerous artist’s books on pastel paintings. She has lectured regionally and nationally as a visiting artist at universities and artist’s guilds. She is represented by: Edgewood Gallery (Syracuse, NY), and Gangi Studio (Winter Garden, FL).

Nicora Gangi

About the Artist

The Mountain of the House of The Lord

I See Him but Not Now

So Shall Your Descendants Be

This One

The Body without the Spirit | 1

The Body without the Spirit | 2

The Body without the Spirit | 3

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The Everlasting Protective Love of God Our Father

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The Mountain of the House of The Lord

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Nicora Gangi

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