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Staci M partnered with Spark & Echo Arts, producing a new episode in her anime-style animation series to bring sight and sound to John 1:6-10.
John 1:6-10
Who I Am
Staci "Takkun" M
Curated by:
Dan Musselman
Cartoon, Anime

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I'm an always-enthusiastic animator creating culture-defining cartoons! Growing up with 90's cartoons, I felt a lot of them had an inherent darkness and negativity that really made me uncomfortable when I watched them. Therefore, I strive to make colorful, vibrant, and contextually uplifting cartoons. I don't animate solely to entertain, but to share the Gospel and show the world who Christ really is. I'm highly inspired by the animation style of Japan; specifically, Hayao Miyazaki. To mimic his style, I design photoshop puppets and animate them in After Effects. It's my fastest, cleanest, most vibrant, and simple animation style. My goal is to make a difference through animation, and what better way than to go ye into all the world wide web?
Spark Notes
The Artist's Reflection
Staci “Takkun” M is a freelance, 2D animator working professionally since 2016. She specializes in After Effects Puppet animation with a wide range of skills from sound design to scriptwriting. Staci graduated from the University of Northwestern St. Paul, cum laude, with a Bachelor’s of Science in Digital Media Arts and Animation, and she is currently working as an intern for Essence Cartoon animation studio. She has had her work featured in the UNW Animation and Illustration Showcase 2016-2017; her work has also been featured in the Christian Arts Festival by Trinity School at River Ridge 2016, and will be featured in the upcoming UNW 24th Annual Juried Exhibition 2017. Her current projects include: creating animations to market a large, Twitch gaming channel; creating a Star Wars: The Last Jedi musical parody; creating “memes” for Relidicious, and beginning episode 3 of the Who I AMChristian Anime. She currently resides in suburbia outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Staci “Takkun" M

About the Artist
Staci “Takkun" M
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