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Abigail Barr explores the theme of "Community" from Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 through two different works of oil and charcoal.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Two and Lifted


Abby Barr


Curated by: 

Matt Talmage and Renee Bergen, Pop-Up Curator


Two: 10 x 20 inches. Lifted:14 x 17 inches.

Two: Oil on Canvas. Lifted: Charcoal.

Image by Giorgio Trovato

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Growing up in a strong evangelical family, my faith and art are deeply intertwined. I think of spiritual concepts in terms of visual images, and often the inspiration for my art comes from what I am learning or meditating on in my walk with the Lord. This project was no exception. I keenly felt my own insufficiency for the task and wrestled with the image throughout my time working on it, but ultimately I found my faith strengthened as I experienced the Lord inspiring and guiding me faithfully through the process.

I have always loved creating illustrative work that suggests story, as well as using people as subject matter. For me, figures are a powerful way to tell a story and show emotion in my work. The passage I chose to illuminate (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) speaks deeply about the importance of relationships and community, of keeping yourself woven into the fabric of lives around you.

Correspondingly, I wanted the two figures I drew to be joined inextricably as one whole unit, and yet distinguishable as separate entities, pushing and pulling on each other and displaying dynamic unity. I hope the image illustrates the power of bearing one another's burdens and carrying one another through hard times, even though this may be difficult and messy. We can only succeed by looking to the One who bore all our burdens perfectly, and continues to lift us up when we fall.

Spark Notes

The Artist's Reflection

Abby Barr grew up in Hampton Roads, Virginia as part of a large, artistic family. She has been drawing and creating artwork as long as she can remember. Since her early teenage years, she has shown and sold her work, as well as fulfilled commissions. After graduating from high school, where she recieved four years of private classical art instruction, she went on to study Theology and Philosophy at Grove City College (2007), where she also consistently pursued art classes outside her major. Her mediums of choice include pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, watercolors, ceramics and collage. Abby has travelled and lived around the world, for both work and pleasure, and moved to Manhattan in 2011. She currently doodles and sketches in Harlem or at a shared studio near Columbia University.

Abby Barr

About the Artist

Abby Barr

Other Works By 

Abigail was chosen by our Pop-Up Curators, Matt Talmage and Renée Renata Bergan during a Spark & Echo concert at Pete’s Candy Store.

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Image by Aaron Burden

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Image by Aaron Burden

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