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We are proud to premiere this work by Chicago artist Lucas Bianchi in response to the verse of Romans 14:4 and the theme of "strangers."

Romans 14:4



Lucas Bianchi


Curated by: 

Lucas Bianchi


14.5 x 26 inches

Pastel on Paper

Image by Giorgio Trovato

Primary Scripture

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What I do:

I embrace the act of drawing as a means to maintain a physical connection with my subject and the created work. Having been trained traditionally, I acknowledge and participate in 21st century art making in this manner.

When I fully experience the moving dynamic within and around my subject, I develop a relationship with the subject. The process occurs as an exploration of the 3-dimensional construct and implied space around the motif. By confronting my subject, I discover a rhythmic quality to inform the surface. I find my subject's structure through repetition of line and tone, and the examination of pictorial space. By indicating broad zones and working with a limited palette, I maintain freedom in the process of locking in final decisions within my work. The simplicity of this palette of light and dark allows me to the experience of a variety in surfaces, mediums and mixed media.

In the developing stages of the drawing I use gesture and repetition. I find patterns initiated by the marks, through the planar construction of the subject and areas of space. These patterns scale in rhythm initiating from the marks, through the planes of the subject, and into various facets of the space. I wish to share my point of view and encourage the viewer to enter the image and become part of my overall experience through the scale of the image.

I seek to maintain a playful quality in my subject while staying true to my perception of it. My works act as the reminder of my youth and reflect the progress I have made in incorporating this discipline.

My Work for Spark and Echo:

Romans 14:4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

The subject is seated in scene against a mirror. He himself carries a humble gesture to suggest a thoughtful and meditative state while the lighting suggests a presence from above.

His relationship to his own reflection is like that of a man to a stranger. The visual detail within the scene was left out in order to emphasize this relationship. And yet his own reflection is a person no different than himself.

Spark Notes

The Artist's Reflection

Lucas Bianchi is a Chicago based artist who studied Life Drawing at the American Academy of Art. His work carries a blend of influences from design and classical tradition. He enjoys studying the figure while working with complex compositions in his personal works.

Lucas Bianchi

About the Artist

Lucas Bianchi

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