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Artist and theologian Katrina Ross created this beautiful work and thoughtful prosaic reflection in response to 1 Samuel 2:19.
1 Samuel 2:19
Samuel and Time Travel
Katrina Ross
Curated by:
Jonathon Roberts
Pen + Photoshop

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I think all spiritual practice is a cultivation of faith that the divine is good and present with us, even in the struggles we face. Throughout my life, I've found personal healing by making art, and think of it as part of my spiritual practice. For as long as I can remember, I've used drawing to process my emotions and challenges. Sitting at a desk in my room as a child was a safe place to be, and it continues to be a safe place today. I realized later in life that the drawings I've made are cryptic journal entries, which I've saved in notebooks all these years. When I go back to them, the drawings allow me to revisit those times in my life.
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The Artist's Reflection
Katrina Ross is currently an M.Div student at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, and she has also worked as a freelance graphic designer and artist for many years. She draws things using ink, water-based paints and digital applications. Katrina’s inspiration is often derived from things she thinks she saw, or symbols that want to be reconfigured. She tries to avoid explicit narrative to leave room for a range of experiences, because your contribution as the viewer is central to the meaning.
Website: katrinaross.net
Blog: katrinaross.blogspot.com
Katrina Ross

About the Artist
You can read her exploration of the passage and her work by clicking on this title: Samuel and Time Travel.
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