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2012 Spark and Echo Arts Curators Eric and Jeffrey Leiser created this fascinating short film created in response to John 4:13-14. The theme of "Water" is evident here, and the film captures its metaphorical and historical significance in this passage.

John 4:13-14​

Living Waters


Eric and Jeffrey Leiser


Director/Animator: Eric Leiser
Music/Sound by Jeffrey Leiser
Special Thanks: Jennifer Colville Leiser, Spark+Echo Arts, Freesound Project

Curated by: 

Adam Tyson



Image by Giorgio Trovato

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Albino Fawn Productions was established in 2001 by filmmakers Eric and Jeffrey Leiser to produce films with spiritual, surreal, experimental and/or animated content. In 2005 AFP teamed up with Vanguard Cinema to release Eclectic Shorts and Faustbook, as well as Imagination [2008] and Glitch in the Grid [2012]. AFP-produced films have won top awards at film festivals internationally and have toured theaters across the United States.

Spark Notes

The Artist's Reflection

Eric Leiser is an award-winning filmmaker, animator, puppeteer, writer, holographer and multi-media artist working in the New York and London area. A graduate from CalArt’s Experimental Animation program, he creates animated and live action feature films and shorts as well as works integrating animation, puppetry, holography, live performance and installation. He has made 24 short films, eight of which appear in the Vanguard release Eclectic Shorts by Eric Leiser, and three features: Faustbook, released by Vanguard Cinema, Imagination, and Glitch in the Grid, both released theatrically in the U.S. before hitting DVD/VOD through Vanguard. Imagination was featured in Animation Magazine and Glitch in the Grid was featured on Apple iTunes Trailers and IMDb Feature Trailers. It also won two awards at the Park City Film Festival and Catskill Film & Video Festival respectively. Eric’s fine art and holographic paintings have exhibited at galleries in the United States, Europe and Asia.

Jeffrey Leiser is a composer, screenwriter and sound editor. He started in 2001 with his brother Eric’s short film Autumn, moving on to compose original music and sound edit 23 short films and 3 feature films. In 2011, he won a Gold Medal for best use of music in a feature film [Glitch in the Grid] at the Park City Film Festival. Jeffrey has released 11 albums through iTunes and CDBaby. As a colorist assistant for Technicolor, Jeffrey worked on hit TV Shows like USA’s White Collar and HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, as well as feature films like The Town, Black Swan, and a host of other films and TV Spots. In 2007, Jeffrey graduated from Video Symphony, a Pro Tools accredited institute for post-production. He is the co-founder, with his brother Eric, of Albino Fawn Productions, an independent film company focused on exhibiting experimental, non-narrative, and/or spiritual works. He also wrote the screenplay Finding Infinity, a biopic about Georg Cantor, and Twilight Park, about a boy who gets the chance to live out his grandpa’s past memories.

Eric and Jeffrey Leiser

About the Artist

Eric and Jeffrey Leiser

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