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Sarah Gregory's beautiful song responds to Psalm 107:17-22.

Psalms 107:17-22

I Was a Fool


Sarah Gregory


Composed, Written, and Performed by Sarah Gregory

Curated by: 

Jonathon Roberts


Image by Giorgio Trovato

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On Psalm 107:17-22

Who doesn’t like food? I could not fathom the fools described in Psalm 107 who “loathed any kind of food and drew near to death.” At any given moment, I’m either eating or thinking about eating. It’s the only thing in my life that has my loyal attention. So, I tried to imagine the kind of state I’d have to be in to truly dislike food. And then I remembered, "Oh yeah, just last week I ate a huge plate of fries right after I’d just eaten a huge bagel dripping with cream cheese and afterward I never wanted to taste, smell, touch or even see food ever again." So I suppose these idiots in Psalm 107 filled up on all the crap food and completely lost their appetite for food at all. But then these jerks did the smartest thing anyone can ever do when they screw it all up: they started crying. That cry that you cry when you just finally give up. You don’t care anymore about your embarrassment over the massive plate of french fries and the jumbo bagel. "I admit it, I’m an idiot and I just don’t want to be an idiot anymore. Please, I just don’t want to feel this way ever again."

So you cry to the only thing that can pull you out of this misery, this misery that is yourself. And then, hot damn, He actually pulls you out of the misery. You get saved from a literal drowning in french fries and bagels. You move from the gates of hell to God’s house where the twenty four hour chef makes you hand crafted salads that actually taste delicious and you have more energy throughout your work day. Then, at dinner He pours you a perfectly portioned glass and a half of chardonnay – just enough to give you the happy buzz but not so much that you start silently panicking about your career choices and fixating on your husband’s flaws. Then, buzzed from that beautiful buttery wine, you sit down together in front of a crackling fire, pull out the guitar and sing a sappy love song about how "I love you more," "No way, I love you more."

Except the french fries are sin, and the salad is Jesus? Something like that.

Spark Notes

The Artist's Reflection

Sarah Gregory’s lush and quicksilver vocalism is most frequently showcased in her work with the online music-comedy quartet The Gregory Brothers, who are responsible for The Double Rainbow Song, The Bed Intruder Song, and other viral hits that have garnered the group two Comedy Awards, three Webbys, a gold and a platinum record and over 600 million YouTube views. In the last ten years since moving from her home state of Texas to New York, Mrs. Gregory has crooned all over town with her soul band The Stanleys and has lent her voice to many amazing artists and projects, such as Kelley McRae, Andrew Rose Gregory, Pony of Good Tidings, The Welcome Wagon, Sufjan Stevens, BiFrost, Dishman + Co., The Key of Awesome and Josh Rutner’s Twelve Gates. Here Mrs. Gregory lays forth a rare vulnerability, stripped of both her precious autotune and her usual co-conspirators.

Sarah Gregory

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Sarah Gregory

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