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We are pleased to feature a photo collage created by photographer Melissa Vandermause in response to a story about sight from John 9.

John 9:17-25

I once was blind but now I see


Melissa Vandermause


Artist location: Connecticut

Curated by: 



Digital photo collage

Image by Giorgio Trovato

Primary Scripture

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These images are part of a series of "abstract" crosses that I've found on a variety of different photo shoots, both personal and while on specific jobs. I was inspired by another photographer, Carla Ten Eyke, who looks for "10" while she is on location shooting. Because God is omnipresent, it's exciting to visualize the cross in multiple locations, such as a cobblestone road or a shadow made by a pergola. For this specific arrangement of crosses I came up a theme from the biblical story about Jesus healing the blind man at the Pool of Siloam in John 9:17-25.

The cross images as I have arranged them (from left to right) begin with subtle, vague visions to a powerful, obvious vision of the cross. I like to correlate that to this story along with our personal sinful confusion in this world, and how God's Holy Spirit brings us to faith and shows us the clear vision of Jesus saving work through God's Word. Even as a life-long Christian, my vision of the cross can become fuzzy and unclear when I allow sin to overcome me and cloud my world vision. Then going back to God's Word and keeping a focus on him helps my world vision be a world vision of peace through Jesus. God may not be visible to us as he was in the Bible, however he is alive and present in our world daily.

Spark Notes

The Artist's Reflection

Melissa Vandermause has a B. A. in Fine Art from Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, MN, where she studied studio art and concentrated in photography and graphic design. After she graduated, she worked with New Generation Studio (now Lime Rock Photography) in Mankato, and was the recipient of the Wedding Album of the Year (2006 MPPA) award. Melissa, her husband Greg and two children live and work near Hartford, Connecticut where Melissa documents, creates and “captures life as intended” with her own professional photography studio, Galleria Vivid.

Melissa Vandermause

About the Artist

"From Infancy..."

Melissa Vandermause

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