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Taking the voice of an outsider looking in, and with a sound reminiscent of Patsy Cline, Taryn Randall's song of longing and mystery explores the community and supernatural events found in Acts 4:31-37.
Acts 4:31-37
House Shudder
Taryn Randall
Composed and Performed by Taryn Randall
Curated by:
Sarah Gregory

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When I first read this verse, I had a really difficult time relating to it. Giving up everything you own for the good of those around you is very counter-cultural, especially when living in a city like NYC, where so much meaning is placed in your career and possessions. Writing from the perspective of someone inside of this lifestyle didn't sit right with me, so I decided to turn it around and write from the view of a person looking in.
As an outsider, the two things that stood out to me the most in this passage were the supernatural event of the meeting place shaking and the deep sense of community. The house shuddering is a physical event, something tangible that can be seen and felt. The community speaks to all of our need for love and companionship; it's a gateway to the greater story of God's ultimate redemption of the world.
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The Artist's Reflection
Taryn Randall is a native Californian who has lived in Brooklyn, NY the last 4 years. She recently finished recording her first full length album under the name COTE and is releasing the first single at the end of July. When she’s not working on music, Taryn is a jewelry designer for a number of companies, including her own, Jefferson NYC. www.jefferson-nyc.com
Taryn Randall

About the Artist
Taryn Randall
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