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Artist Job Tibay grounds his art in his Filipino roots and finding beauty in the imperfect as he marvels at the glory of God in Psalm 19:1-6.
Psalms 19:1-6
Heavens Declare
Job Tibay
Curated by:
Rebecca Testrake
35 x 25 inches
Oil on Sinamay

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We live in such an imperfect world. Yet, even in the midst of chaos, flaws and disorder, one can always find or create something beautiful and divine. Beauty drawn from imperfection captivates me. There is something mysterious and inspiring about it.
This is one of the reasons I love working on sinamay. Unlike your typical canvas, sinamay is handwoven from the processed stalks of the abaca tree. The varying widths of each strand, the knots in random spots, and the loose open weave, give it a rough, uneven, sifter-like surface. These characteristics make each piece respond differently even to the same touch and technique. Yet, these nuances and seeming imperfections make the creative process an exciting journey and experience. Sometimes it absorbs, other times it pushes back, generating a level of unpredictability that stimulates a conversation along the creative journey.
My choice to work with sinamay is also a representation of my roots. Sinamay is made of abaca fiber, an eco-friendly material, woven from the stalks of the abaca tree. The abaca tree is a banana palm native to the Philippines, where I was born and spent a quarter of my life. With every artwork on sinamay, I feel as though I am exploring new grounds without ever losing touch with the place I first called home.
The concept behind this artwork is simply about His glory and majesty being revealed in the grandeur and beauty of the heavens and the skies. It always leaves me in awe when I marvel at breathtaking views of the skies, the movement of the clouds, and the sun shining through it.
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The Artist's Reflection
Job Tibay is a New York City-based Filipino artist, who moved from Manila to New York in the summer of 2005. Entirely self- taught, he discovered his love and skill for painting shortly after college, when he decided to create several paintings (watercolor and pastel on paper) to replace all the existing wall art decor at his parents’ house, matching the new color scheme after a renovation project. However, it was not until after living in New York for almost 7 years that he started to pursue his love for painting. Living abroad inspired him to find a substrate that would best represent his heritage and style. In his desire to stay connected and true to his roots, he has chosen to work on sinamay instead of canvas.
Website: www.jobtibay.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/artbyjob/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/artbyjob/
Job Tibay

About the Artist
Job Tibay
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