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The starkness of this wonderful piece by Claire Bateman captures the sense of Hannah's emptiness and pain which she presents before God as portrayed in 1 Samuel 1:10.
1 Samuel 1:10
Claire Bateman
Curated by:
Spark+Echo Arts

Primary Scripture
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Hannah is portrayed as an elongated figure with empty arms, her entire folded around her internal space, her grief, which she transforms into prayer.
Spark Notes
The Artist's Reflection
Claire Bateman is the author of eight poetry collections, most recently, Scape with New Issues Poetry & Prose (Kalamazoo). Her other collections are The Bicycle Slow Race (Wesleyan University Press, 1991), Friction (Eighth Mountain Poetry Prize, 1998), At the Funeral of the Ether (Ninety-Six Press, 1998), Clumsy (New Issues Poetry & Prose, 2003), Leap (New Issues, 2005), Coronology(Etruscan Press, 2010), and Locals (Serving House Books, 2012). She has been awarded Individual Artist Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Tennessee Arts Commission, and the Surdna Foundation, as well as the New Millennium Writing Award and two Pushcart Prizes, and has taught at Clemson University and various workshops and conferences. She lives in Greenville, SC, teaches at the Fine Arts Center, and is an advisory editor for Orison Press.
More of her work can be found at clairebatemanwork.blogspot.com
Claire Bateman

About the Artist
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