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This poem by Marlanda Dekine (Sapient Soul) invites the reader to explore the mysteries that lie beyond the initial perception of familiarity in response to Job 1:21.

Job 1:21

Getting Lighter


Marlanda Dekine


Curated by: 

Spark+Echo Arts



Image by Giorgio Trovato

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I am working to transmute feelings of loss. Of expectation & disappointment. Of feeling trapped in a liminal and transitional space, navigating desires and fears. I believe many people experience these feelings. I am certainly not the only person in my personal ancestry to experience them. There is both mysticism and groundedness in the experience of losing memory, time, loved ones, perceptions, beliefs, etc.

I considered "Naked came I", "gave", "taken", and "blessed" within the context of the scripture and several words began to form free associations in my mind: cycles, birth, death, creation, destruction, coming, going, living, seeing, dying, uncontrollable, flow, stand. We can set deliberate intention amidst chaos at all times, I believe. This poem wanted to play within that realm and see what emerged.

Spark Notes

The Artist's Reflection

Marlanda Dekine-Sapient Soul (she/her/they) is a poet and social worker from Plantersville, South Carolina. She is pursuing her MFA in Poetry with New York University's Low-Residency program in Paris.

Learn more about their work at

Marlanda Dekine

About the Artist

Artist in Residence 2020, Sapient Soul (Marlanda Dekine)

2020 Artist in Residence: Marlanda Dekine

Know Thyself

Marlanda Dekine

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Image by Aaron Burden

She told me about being wee little
waking early smashing watermelons
busting them into dirt

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Getting Lighter

by Marlanda Dekine-Sapient Soul

She told me about being wee little

waking early smashing watermelons

busting them into dirt

slobbering over meat and seed

sneaky childish and winning

now we call her demented

she is epigenetic riverway

across dimensions

and grandma is afraid

of the expansive highway

of the world that takes her children

and love does not mean stay

i have wanted my want as prayer

obsessed with the water

floating in small space

the only space i believed

i came from

when a thing comes up out of me

i follow ask where we are going

why so far away from here

when a thing comes up out of grandma

she listens tells me what great-grandma

tellin’ her these days beyond the veil

grandma’s mother is telling her things

like my aunt always has dreams that speak

they both pray when no one knows

steady stitching through shifts

heating the stars

and i am gone some place far

some place grandma told me i could not go

some free and scary place she cannot see

except when she looks at me

and really looks at me

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Image by Aaron Burden

She told me about being wee little
waking early smashing watermelons
busting them into dirt

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