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This poetic dance piece choreographed and performed by Megan Chu responds to the beautiful imagery in 2 Peter 1:19.
2 Peter 1:19
2 Peter 1:19
Megan Chu
Choreographed, Performed by Megan Chu
Voice-Over by Megan Chu
Curated by:
Elizabeth Dishman
Modern Dance

Primary Scripture
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When I started working with this scripture, I was initially drawn to the imagery of the day dawning and the morning star rising in your heart. It is strong and creatively fruitful, inspiring hope and a stirring a desire for beauty, fluidity, and growth. You will see these images in the movements where I reference my heart, then draw lines out into the horizon. The feeling of cold in the morning before dawn inspired the starkness in the tone of the piece.
After using the imagery to generate movement material, I went back to the thought that 2 Peter 1:19 opens with: The message of the prophets is something we can lean on and trust. Our doubtful hearts second guess the gospel as we try to comprehend a God bigger than ourselves, bigger than our actions, and outcomes. Yet the prophetic message in the scriptures keeps us grounded, telling us who Jesus is and drawing us into a relationship with Him. I have incorporated difficult balances into the piece to express the idea of a support that is present, but not available to the senses of touch and sight.
These balances take time and repetition to accomplish, similar to the way studying the scriptures takes time and practice. Several readings, several commentaries, several sermons are needed (at least for me!) before the dark places in ourselves are illuminated by turning to the One who is Light.
The overall message I received working from 2 Peter 1:19 is that we desperately need to lean into the Word in order to live more confidently in hope. At the same time, we must acknowledge that renewal is not yet complete—we still exist in a broken world. The day has not dawned.
Christ still has a lot of work to do in my heart. But there will be a day when the work is done, and I will not be estranged from my Father, Abba. In The letters of 2 Peter and Jude, P.H. Davids writes, "After the dawn, there is no need of Scripture, for the rising of Christ in our hearts gives us full knowledge...One treasures a love letter while the beloved is absent, but once he or she is present, the letter is laid aside and exchanged for the person."
Lord, we give You praise for not only wanting to commune with us, but for sacrificing on our behalf to ensure it.
Spark Notes
The Artist's Reflection
Megan Harrold graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University’s department of Dance and Choreography. She has received an Individual Artist grant from the Queens Council on the Arts, an award from VCU’s School of the Arts and the Carpenter Foundation. She has been an artist in residence at the Klaustierd Foundation in Iceland, Newsteps at the Chen Dance Center, Le Feil Artist Residency in France, The Ucross Foundation in Wyoming and Groundworks at the Cora Studios.
She founded Inimois Dance to encompass her choreographic works in 2008 which has been funded by Meet the Composer, Queens Council on the Arts, Fractured Atlas and the Untitled SOF grant. In New York her work has been shown at Rooftop Dance, Center for Performance Research, Lincoln Center, Cora Studios, BAX, Dumbo Dance Festival, Ailey CityGroup Theater, AUNTS, and Triskelion Arts among others. Her work has been seen nationally in Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Wyoming, and Illinois. Internationally Megan’s work has been performed in Mexico, Iceland, Amsterdam and France.
In New York she has had the opportunity to perform for Davis Freeman in the P.S.122 COIL Festival, Dai Jian at the MET, Burr Johnson at Danspace, and Helen Simoneau at the Joyce Soho.
Megan Chu

About the Artist
Megan Chu
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